Chapter 6 Apprenticeship Learning in Preparation for Meeting the Unforeseen
Nyhus, Ingrid
Steiro, Trygve J.
Torgersen , Glenn-Egil
"The chapter analyzes teaching where the goal is to enable students at the
Armed Forces Staff College to master unforeseen events. The students are all participants
in a program for joint operations in which different military branches are placed
together to solve complex tasks. How can the supervisor contribute to increased
samhandling when facing the unforeseen? The goal is for students to be able to cope
with the roles that exist in a normal NATO headquarters and to learn how to use
NATO’s operational planning strategy. The group supervisor becomes a form of
master who greatly influences the approach of students to the training community.
From a sample of one hundred students, five groups consisting of four to five students
of both sexes, with varied defense-force affiliations, backgrounds and experience
were selected to be interviewed. A total of 23 informants participated in the
interviews. In addition, observations were carried out. Apprenticeship Learning as a
method is appropriate to prepare the students better for samhandling in anticipation
of the unforeseen. The way the supervisor manages his or her role has a great deal of
impact on samhandling and learning outcomes. The supervisor’s insight and expertise
in what is needed to make groups work together is decisive. Strengthening and
developing samhandling in exercises is a suitable educational method for military
forces in meeting unforeseen events, provided that it is done properly."
Samhandling; interaction; apprenticeship learning; supervising; training; education; organizational learning; unforeseenDOI
10.23865/noasp.36.ch6Publisher website date and place
Oslo, 2018Classification
Society and Social Sciences
Warfare and defence
Military and defence strategy