Chapter 17 Samhandling and Trust in Military Leadership Structures
Bergh , Johan
Boe, Ole
Bergh, Johan
Boe, Ole
"The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the importance of trust in military
samhandling. Trust serves as one of the main prerequisites for effective collaboration
(Kouzes & Posner, 2003). The Norwegian Armed Forces’ (NAF) core business is
the planning and execution of military operations (Forsvarsstaben, 2014). One of
the main tasks of the NAF is to plan for the unexpected and, ultimately, for war. The
chapter further discuss trust in military leadership, and leadership and situational
awareness. Leadership as a social interaction process that builds trust is discussed,
and samhandling is seen in a military context. A basic “trust-based model” of samhandling
is introduced and viewed in terms of internal and external framework factors.
The chapter concludes that trust is still quite an open concept, and that trust
is essential for the effective accomplishment of military missions. The basic trust
model is an attempt to underline understanding of the importance of trust in a
military planning and leadership context."
Samhandling; interaction; trust; military leadership; preparedness; organizational learning; unforeseenDOI
10.23865/noasp.36.ch17Publisher website date and place
Oslo, 2018Classification
Society and Social Sciences
Warfare and defence
Military and defence strategy