Material Cultures of Childhood in Second World War Britain
Modern warfare is a unique cultural phenomenon. While many conflicts in
history have produced dramatic shifts in human behaviour, the industrialized
nature of modern war possesses a material and psychological intensity that
embodies the extremes of our behaviours, from the total economic mobilization
of a nation state to the unbearable pain of individual loss. Fundamentally,
war is the transformation of matter through the agency of destruction,
and the character of modern technological warfare is such that it simultaneously
creates and destroys more than any previous kind of conflict.
World war; children; British; History; Social aspects; Material culture; Social life and customs; 20th Century; War and society; Great BritainISBN
9781351345514; 9781351345491; 9781351345507; 9781315122946Publisher
Taylor & FrancisPublisher website date and place
Material Culture and Modern Conflict,Classification
History and Archaeology
20th century, c 1900 to c 1999